A superhero investor protecting their own crypto assets

Embrace Self-Custody as Your Superpower

June 12, 20244 min read

Leaving your crypto on an exchange is like parking a Lambo in a sketchy neighbourhood—self-custody is your only insurance against waking up to find it gone.

A superhero with cape flowing protecting her own assets with self custody

In the exhilarating world of cryptocurrency, the thrill of potential gains often overshadows the crucial aspect of security. For many newcomers, the journey starts and ends on a centralized exchange, where they buy and leave their digital assets, oblivious to the lurking risks.

Today, I’m going to pull back the curtain on why self-custody is your ultimate superpower in the crypto realm.

Cryptocurrency, at its core, is about being your own bank.

The essence of this revolutionary technology is to give you control over your wealth without relying on traditional financial intermediaries. Yet, storing your assets on a centralized exchange contradicts this principle.

The hard truth is, crypto assets held on an exchange are not truly yours. They belong to the exchange.

Let’s get real—when you leave your crypto on an exchange, you're exposing yourself to third-party risk.

We've witnessed the catastrophic collapse of exchanges like FTX, where $8 billion of customer funds disappeared overnight. Trusting an exchange with your crypto is like playing a high-stakes game of Russian roulette. Sure, the convenience is tempting, but the potential for disaster is immense.

Self-custody eliminates this risk. By transferring your assets to your own wallet, you remove the middleman and regain control. It’s not just about safety; it’s about sovereignty.

The Path to Sovereignty

So, how do you wield this superpower? The journey is simpler than you might think:

  1. Download a Wallet: Choose a wallet that suits your needs. Popular options include MetaMask (for Ethereum), TrustWallet, Exodus, and Phantom (for Solana). Ensure you're downloading from the official site (look for HTTPS and verify the URL).

  2. Set Up Your Wallet: Follow the setup instructions and, crucially, store your seed phrase securely. This seed phrase is your key to recovering your wallet if you lose access to your device. Treat it like the crown jewels—never share it and avoid storing it digitally.

  3. Transfer Your Assets: Once your wallet is set up, move your assets from the exchange to your personal wallet. This step is your emancipation from third-party risk.

For those ready to take their security a notch higher, consider a cold wallet like Trezor or Ledger. Cold wallets store your assets offline, providing an additional layer of protection against hacks.

If you want to truly get deep into the security of your assets, check out The Ultimate Asset Protection Pack which comes with a Trezor cold wallet.

The Ultimate Asset Protection Pack

Beyond Convenience: The Real Cost of Centralized Exchanges

The convenience of centralised exchanges comes with hidden costs. The primary one is the security of your funds.

When you store your crypto on an exchange, you're handing over control. If the exchange fails, gets hacked, or decides to freeze withdrawals, your assets are at their mercy.

By embracing self-custody, you're aligning with the foundational ethos of cryptocurrency—decentralisation and self-sovereignty.

It’s about more than just security; it’s about embodying the true spirit of crypto.

The crypto landscape is littered with stories of lost fortunes due to centralised exchange failures.

Beyond FTX, there’s the infamous collapse of Cryptopia and others. These events are stark reminders that relying on third parties can be perilous.

Personally, I've had a brush with disaster during the FTX collapse but managed to avoid loss by practicing what I preach—self-custody. However, I've had clients who weren't as fortunate, losing significant amounts because they trusted the convenience of centralised exchanges.

As you embark on this journey, beware of common pitfalls:

  • Phishing Scams: Always verify the URL of the wallet's official site. Phishing attacks can lead you to fake websites designed to steal your seed phrase.

  • Seed Phrase Storage: Never store your seed phrase digitally or leave it on a piece of paper. Use a physical method like crypto steels and storing it in a safe place.

  • Backup: Ensure you have a reliable backup of your seed phrase in case of emergencies.

The steps to self-custody are straightforward, and the benefits are profound. Take control of your destiny by downloading a wallet today and transferring your assets. Don’t wait for a catastrophe to strike.

Crypto was conceived to give individuals control over their money. By self-custodying your assets, you are not just protecting your wealth; you are fulfilling the original vision of cryptocurrency.

Remember, the convenience of centralised exchanges is a double-edged sword. It comes with the risk of losing everything.

I've seen clients suffer because they overlooked this critical aspect of crypto security. Don’t be like them.

In this volatile crypto world, the best way to safeguard your assets is through self-custody. It’s not just a security measure; it’s a declaration of independence. Embrace this superpower and take control of your digital destiny.

So, what are you waiting for? Download a wallet, secure your seed phrase, and transfer your assets.

Become the master of your own financial future.

Paul leverages 9+ years in crypto to help clients protect assets and optimise returns. His hard-won expertise in digital security, coding, and smart contracts empowers users to proactively manage risks. Paul's crypto philosophy, shaped by his adventurous spirit and calculated approach to risk, resonates in the volatile crypto world. Clients value his ability to distill complexity into clear, actionable strategies.

Paul Holland

Paul leverages 9+ years in crypto to help clients protect assets and optimise returns. His hard-won expertise in digital security, coding, and smart contracts empowers users to proactively manage risks. Paul's crypto philosophy, shaped by his adventurous spirit and calculated approach to risk, resonates in the volatile crypto world. Clients value his ability to distill complexity into clear, actionable strategies.

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Paul Holland

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